Friday, May 29, 2009

take your time, its only huey lewis and the news (again)

Hello reader(s)

1) New Yankee Stadium = gorgeous. Now we just need to christen it with ring number 27.

2) Summer goals are still at a stand still, and the prognosis gets worse. Work starts Monday.

3) Maybe I should start looking for the really long book I say I'm going to read for next summer now. I'll need the head start, (as of now) no Contreras this spring to make really impossible books seem, in the words of the lovely Katie Schaller, like "a beach read." S0 true, so true.

4) MoViE ReVieWs!
a) Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian - 3.5 out of 5 - very enjoyable
b) What Happens in Vegas - 0.5 out of 5 - biggest meh of all time i did laugh a few times though.

Don't forget the suntan lotion,

Thursday, May 21, 2009

blood, sugar, sex, magik, huey lewis and the news


1) Word is Kris won American Idol. Good for him. Danny still deserved to win.

Summer progress update:
1) Pages read: less than 20

2) Days at the gym: zero

3) harmonica playing: not bad actually, i even decided to buy a second harmonica (in a different key)

making a list of goals was really helpful. I see the trend has caught on as well!

from the looking glass,

Sunday, May 17, 2009


I've been doing a lot of stuff that I could write about, but I've been too busy actually doing those things to really have time to sit down and write a solid entry. Sorry, I'll work on it. In the meantime, here's something to tide you over.

If he doesn't win Idol, he's always welcome to join Mike and me in Pancake Rebellion.

F is for friends who do stuff together,

Thursday, May 14, 2009

paul revere's midnight ride

Hey dudes,
So the summer starts off with a bang! not though.

Things I've Done List
1) Saw Star Trek. It was a very enjoyable film. I still prefer Star Wars though.

2) Changed the strings on my electric and acoustic guitar. Someone played a practical joke on me at Guitar Center and sold me red strings. So by the transitive property, my electric guitar now has red strings on it. Who knew they even made red strings!

3) Went to the dentist. No cavities!

4) Got the oil changed/tires rotated on the ol' Civic.

5) Played a lot of Left 4 Dead and Rock Band 2. I guess I'm getting prepared for the zombieapocalypse, as well at the release of Beatles Rock Band. One will be more fun than the other, but you can figure that out for yourselves.

6) Watched the finales of The Office and 30 Rock. One was better than the other. I'll also let you guys figure that one out for yourselves.

More importantly. Danny Gokey was kicked off of American Idol. This is a great tragedy in the world of American Idol. Besides Adam, who must be some sort of gay musical theater vampire with golden vocal chords, Danny was clearly the strongest singer of the bunch. Kris is okay, but I dunno. He just doesn't have the pipes, in my opinion. Finale next week, should be fun.

here's to doing something fun,

Now playing: Neutral Milk Hotel - Oh Comely
via FoxyTunes

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Aw. Sum.

Courtesy of one Ms. Jillian Smoragiewicz:

You should watch the whole thing, but my favorite move starts right around 2:07.

Ain't nuthin' but a G thang,

Monday, May 11, 2009

huey lewis and summer goals

Good Evening Readers,

Today marks the first official day or summer vacation, and that means summer goals!
Last summer I accomplished nothing at all (some may remember me saying, "I'm totally going to read Proust!"). Well here we go again!

1) Read Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace (thanks to Contreras for that one)

2) Become a half-decent harmonica player - I figure there will be a lot of music going on at Belmont Ave, so to add some flavor, why not, right? (ps - all collaborators are welcome to join - Contact within).

3) Go to the gym 3-4 times a week. I mean, I am paying $10 a month!

On another note, firefox gives me the option to insert what song i am currently listening to, which i am going to start including to give everyone a look at the contexts of these blog entries. Is what I'm saying important? Or is it the context that I say in what makes it important!

Happy Summer - Be Safe, Be Happy.
Now playing: Bob Dylan - The Times They Are A-Changin'
via FoxyTunes

I want to write something...

...but I want it to be a good post. Soon enough.

I'm still alive,

Sunday, May 10, 2009

generic blog entry #71


WOW! talk about a semester's end dragging on!
I sit in an empty room, that has no posters on the wall and no carpet, studying for my forensic psychology exam. How lonely! that's okay though i will be home/done tomorrow by around 1 or so. then i can relax until june.

stick a fork in it,
Michael W.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

just checking in

Hello All,

peace and love!