Thursday, October 7, 2010


for now, you can find my musings on

thanks blogger, you have been awesome, and I someday may return to you (if Mai starts consistently posting again!), but tumblr is just too awesome.

We've had some good times.

peace, love, & new opportunities,

Sunday, September 5, 2010

private eyes

This weekend was a lot of fun. I am very tired, but for some reason, I feel compelled to write something here, even though only Dan reads it.

Anyway, I spent the weekend in Brooklyn at Mary, Lynne, and Katie's apartment. It was hella swanky. Some of the highlights include Japas 38 for karaoke/shit-show, purchasing a George Washington needlepoint, meeting Chloe the cat, playing loaded questions, and eating a lot of good food.

peace, love & friends,

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

one way or another

SO. It appears as if I will have a job this year. The family of one of my campers from the summer wants to hire a 1-to-1 for the school year, and yours truly might be that person. Besides the fact that I'd be makingpretty good money, I get the opportunity to work with one of my favorite campers from the summer. This could be fun. Or really hard work. Probably both. I'll keep you posted.

Next, the Penrose residency at Arlene's is over. It was awesome getting to see them almost 4 weeks in a row. As I said a few posts ago, they really change things up each time out, which is totally awesome to see. Not to mention they're all pretty good at their instruments. After Penrose is rock n' roll karaoke. This means karaoke infront of a live band. Awesome. This week I sang "Hot Blooded" by Foreigner. Sarah sang "One Way or Another," and was awesssssome, and Mike sang "Alive" by Pearl Jam. He was also awesome. So much fun.

peace, love & penrose,

Thursday, August 26, 2010

A rush, and a push, and the land is ours

For what its worth, 2010 has been a very strange year. I've had some not so great times, as well as many more really awesome times. There are moments from the past year that I'd definitely like to forget, and a boat-load more that I'd absolutely love for the opportunity to re-live.

These past few days have been especially weird because this is the first August in 4 years that I'm not putting the finishing touches on packing up my stuff to move back to Fordham. This is a very, very weird feeling. The fact that something like college exists kind of spoils us 20-somethings, I think. Never again will we get to move out, and live, pretty much unsupervised, with basically all of our closest friends...for four years straight. I can't speak for everyone, but the friends that I made became basically a second family. We definitely acted like a family. Some of us definitely fought like family members, but mostly things were pretty peaceful. We spent the "holidays" together. We had a lot of great times. And perhaps more importantly, we were there for each other through the more difficult times, even if we didn't know it.

I guess I'm writing this as a way to cope with the fact from here on out things are different. I definitely plan on living with a few of you again as soon as possible, but realistically I don't think we'll all be able to be within a 5 minute walk of each other. Also, I think this is the graduation entry that I was never able to finish. The transition from college to post-college is...interesting, to say the least. From here on out it gets pretty real I'd say. Jobs, graduate school...squalor. You name it. It can be anything, except, of course, for college. That's finished.

I wish I had some positive fortune cookie like statement to conclude this late-night rambling session, but I do not. Besides saying thanks, maybe? I don't know. I'll have everything figured out very soon! College 2.0?

peace, love, & homies,

Monday, August 23, 2010

Not Fade Away


So a lot of exciting stuff has happened since the last time we spoke.

1) I've had the pleasure of seeing my good friends Penrose play a few Mondays in August at Arlene's Grocery. This is wonderful, because A) i get to see my good friends in Penrose every Monday, and B) I get to see Penrose play live every Monday. What's great about seeing a band a few times a month is you get to see their songs grow and develop, as well as hear different interpretations of songs they cover. For example, they've played an old Son House cover (the name is escaping me right now) the three times i've seen them so far, and each week it's been a different interpretation. Regardless, they've rocked my face off, pretty much completely, this August and I'm thrilled I get to see them at least 2 more times.

2) Rock 'n Roll Karaoke. This pretty much speaks for itself. After Penrose plays at Arelen's on Mondays, another band comes out to back amateurs as they sing classic rock. This is a ton of fun. Last week I sang "Feel Like Makin' Love" by Bad Company. This week? I'm still deciding.

3) TSRJ REUNION SHOW. This was AWESOME. We played a lot of songs that we normally wouldn't have played, and many of them sounded really good. The show was also great because a lot of our friends traveled great distances to come see us (kinda). Regardless it was an awesome reunion of friends, set to everyone's favorite cover band! Hopefully there are some more shows on the horizon.

4) This past weekend was spent in the city, and down at the beach at Nate's for his graduation party. It was a lot of fun. Got a lot accomplished, and had an awesome weekend!

Upcoming: Penrose tonight, Tom Petty/My Morning Jacket tomorrow, Penrose Friday? FOOTBALL SEASON.

Also on the agenda: Find a job, start grad school.

love, peace, & harmonies,

Friday, May 21, 2010

In the middle of a cloud

"So, this is finally it, huh? After 4 short years, it all comes down to this one day. I don't even know if there are enough words in the English language to..."

And so started the entry I had planned on writing about regarding graduation. Seems depressing. Seems true.

Summer is going very well though, and I am enjoying myself.

1) I've been going to see as much music as I possibly can, which has been amazing. I've been to Bonnaroo, seen The National, Beach Fossils, She & Him, Penrose (and the awesome other bands they played with), The Siren Festival (Dom, Surfer Blood, The Pains of Being Pure at Heart), and many more to come hopefully! This summer has been about seeing as much live music as possible, and it's definitely been working out! August is going to be awesome because I get to see Penrose every Monday! Also, the once lauded Sweet Raptor Jesuits are reuniting for a show on August 14th, which I cannot wait for.

2) Work has been good. Very tiring, but good.

peace, love & reunions,

bingo. bango. bongo.

Hello! It's been about 10 months since I've done this, but hopefully I can shake off the rust and deliver a well-crafted blog post to all our faithful readers out there (aka Mike) just for old time's sake.

Where to even begin. Well, I'm graduating tomorrow, but that's all I'll say about that (if I start to write about graduation, this post will never end). In any case, I still haven't bought my plane ticket home yet. I'm usually bad about buying one early on, but I've never put it off for this long before. I've been saying that I haven't bought it because I have a lot going on right now and I just want to take care of other things first. That is true, but I think the real reason behind it all (which may have been obvious to everyone but me) is that buying a plane ticket is really a cheap symbolization of the school year ending.

Buying that ticket is the first real step towards acknowledging that "it's over," and I am just honestly not ready for that yet. Yes, classes have been over for two weeks now, and yes, Eddie's is covered with chairs and Keating with giant maroon banners, and yes, Fordham has been doing its best to instill a sense of finality in everything that us seniors do, but none of that has been my doing. I get to choose when I buy a ticket home; it's the only thing in this whole situation that I have any sort of control over. When I buy that ticket, I'll be putting the bookend on my undergraduate career, and I want to put that off as long as I can. I guess this turned into a post about graduation anyway. It's not nearly as light-hearted and witty as I was hoping it would be. Oh well, I'll do better next time, when I'm not in the midst of the most important milestone in my life-to-date.

Also, if I see you between now and graduation, I may or may not give you a huge hug and say "This could be the last hug we ever have!" I (inadvertently) made a habit of doing it last night (the phrase "drunken stupor" comes to mind), but any excuse to give and receive hugs is a-okay in my book. I'm such a hippie.

Closer I am to fine,